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Monday, July 10, 2006

Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One (3rd Edition)

Product Details :

Author : Julie C. Meloni
Hardcover: 624 pages
Publisher: Sams; 3 edition (June 30, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 0672328739
Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 7.0 x 9.0 inches

Book Description :

Three popular Web development tools, covered together in an easy-to-understand book. Carefully steps the reader through the basic installation and set-up of PHP, MySQL, and Apache. Shows the beginner how to combine these technologies to quickly create simple interactive Web applications.

CD-ROM Starter Kit allows the reader to easily install a safe, foolproof learning environment for either a Windows- or Linux-based PC. Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL, and Apache in 24 Hours combines coverage of these three popular open-source Web development tools into one easy-to-understand book -- and it comes packaged with one easy-to-use Starter Kit CD for Windows or Linux.

The book teaches the reader to install, configure and set up the PHP scripting language, the MySQL database system, and the Apache Web server. By the end of this book the reader will understand how these technologies work, and--more importantly-- how they can work together to create a dynamic Web site. After creating a simple Web site using these tools, the reader will be able to manage a simple mailing list, and to create an online address book, shopping cart, and storefront. The book also teaches the reader how to fine tune Apache and MySQL, and covers simple Web server security.

Julie Meloni is the technical director for i2i Interactive, a multimedia company located in Campbell, CA. She has been developing Web-based applications since the early days of the Web, and is the author of several books and articles on Web-based programming languages and database topics, such as Sams Teach Yourself MySQL in 24 Hours.

Spotlight Reviews :

Reviewer: Christopher J. Abraham "Blogger" (Washington, DC USA)
Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 Hours is the kind of book I wish I had had when I started developing enterprise-level web applications for zdev Corporation back in the 90s.

Back then, it was all about scouring USENET, Listservs, How-Tos, and FAQs while incessantly scratching your head. Although this book is very introductory, there are some good habits and excellent insights that even the more tried and true code-hacker might consider useful even after years of PHP/MySQL development (such as authentication schemes and some inner working of MySQL).

It is astounding how simple the tools, techniques, and technology is seen through the eyes of Julie Meloni. Much simpler than I had believed since I really had to be baptised by fire, and the simplicity and easy-of-use of the package -- MySQL, PHP, and Apache -- is indisputable.

Postnuke, PHP-Nuke, and the other Open Source CMSs are true killer apps today, and there are a million more open source applications your can easily download, install, and start using within a week if you first still your mind and enthusiasm long enough to work through the easy-to-grok lessons as they are laid out in Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache in 24 Hours.

No doubt. You won't be sorry you took the time to measure twice before you cut once.

Reviewer: O. Obijiaku "computerGuy" (Los Angeles, Ca)
I love this book. When I initially purchased this book I had a pretty good handle on PHP already, but with the examples and carefully crafted explanations this book became a great asset. This book is great at explaining the fundamentals of PHP, MySQL and Apache system configurations, scripting and much more. The book comes with a CD that is loaded with example scripts that you can use as foundations to build more complex scripts.


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