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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Advanced Wireless Networks: 4G Technologies

Books Details :

Author : Savo G. Glisic
Hardcover: 882 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (June 5, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN: 0470015934
Product Dimensions: 2.2 x 6.8 x 9.8 inches

Book Description
The major expectation from the fourth generation (4G) of wireless communication networks is to be able to handle much higher data rates, allowing users to seamlessly reconnect to different networks even within the same session. Advanced Wireless Networks gives readers a comprehensive integral presentation of the main issues in 4G wireless networks, showing the wide scope and inter-relation between different elements of the network.

This book adopts a logical approach, beginning each chapter with introductory material, before proceeding to more advanced topics and tools for system analysis. Its presentation of theory and practice makes it ideal for readers working with the technology, or those in the midst of researching the topic.

  • Covers mobile, WLAN, sensor, ad hoc, bio-inspired and cognitive networks as well as discussing cross-layer optimisation, adaptability and reconfigurability
  • Includes hot topics such as network management, mobility and hand-offs, adaptive resource management, QoS, and solutions for achieving energy efficient wireless networks
  • Discusses security issues, an essential element of working with wireless networks
  • Supports the advanced university and training courses in the field and includes an extensive list of references

Providing comprehensive coverage of the current status of wireless networks and their future, this book is a vital source of information for those involved in the research and development of mobile communications, as well as the industry players using and selling this technology.

Companion website features three appendices: Components of CRE, Introduction to Medium Access Control and Elements of Queueing Theory

From the Back Cover
The major expectation from the fourth generation (4G) of wireless communication networks is to be able to handle much higher data rates, allowing users to seamlessly reconnect to different networks even within the same session. Advanced Wireless Networks gives readers a comprehensive integral presentation of the main issues in 4G wireless networks, showing the wide scope and inter-relation between different elements of the network.

This book adopts a logical approach, beginning each chapter with introductory material, before proceeding to more advanced topics and tools for system analysis. Its presentation of theory and practice makes it ideal for readers working with the technology, or those in the midst of researching the topic.

  • Covers mobile, WLAN, sensor, ad hoc, bio-inspired and cognitive networks as well as discussing cross-layer optimisation, adaptability and reconfigurability
  • Includes hot topics such as network management, mobility and hand-offs, adaptive resource management, QoS, and solutions for achieving energy efficient wireless networks
  • Discusses security issues, an essential element of working with wireless networks
  • Supports the advanced university and training courses in the field and includes an extensive list of references

Providing comprehensive coverage of the current status of wireless networks and their future, this book is a vital source of information for those involved in the research and development of mobile communications, as well as the industry players using and selling this technology.

In highlighted box:

Companion website features three appendices: Components of CRE, Introduction to Medium Access Control and Elements of Queueing Theory

About the Author
Savo Glisic is Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Oulu in Finland. He obtained his PhD from Crenfield Institute of Technology, UK, before pursuing post doctoral studies at the University of California at San Diego, USA. His areas of interest include radio resource management in wireless mobile IP networks, network management, symbol synchronization in digital communications, automatic decision threshold level control (ADTLC) and frequency hopping modulation for wireless ad hoc networks. He has vast international experience in the field of telecommunications and has published prolifically on the subject, including two previous books with J.Wiley.


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