Computer Book Reviews - Computer Programming Book Reviews - IT eBooks Download

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Pro JavaScript Techniques

Publisher Apress

Author(s) John Resig

ISBN 1590597273

Release Date 11 December 2006

Books Description :

Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for the modern web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and shows what JavaScript can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at things you already know, like basic syntax and structures.

Expert web developer and author John Resig concentrates on fundamental, vital topics--what modern JavaScripting is (and isn't), the current state of browser support, and pitfalls to be wary of. The book is organized into four sections:

Modern JavaScript development--using JavaScript the object-oriented way, creating reusable code, plus testing and debugging
DOM scripting--updating content and styles, plus events, and effect and event libraries
Ajax--how Ajax works, overcoming problems, and using libraries to speed up development of Ajax applications
The future of JavaScript--looking at cutting edge topics like JSON, HTML 5, and more

All concepts are backed up by real-world examples and case studies, and John provides numerous reusable functions and classes to save you time in your development. There are also up-to-date reference appendixes for the DOM, events, browser support (including IE7), and frameworks--so you can look up specific details quickly and easily.

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Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005 Administrator's Companion (Pro - Administrator's Companion)

Publisher Microsoft Press

Author(s) Edward Whalen

ISBN 0735621985

Release Date 13 December 2006

Books Description :

This comprehensive administrator's reference delivers the details you need to successfully plan, deploy, administer, and support Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The authors - experts in database technologies - provide easy-to-follow procedures, practical workarounds, and key troubleshooting tactics for everyday, on-the-job results. Delve into system features and capabilities - and get hands-on insights for implementing business intelligence applications in organizations of any size. This book covers planning and designing optimal database systems, configuring SQL Server to your I/O system and model system capacity, optimizing for improved performance, and data analysis and reporting. With the ADMINISTRATOR'S COMPANION, you get the in-depth information you need in a single volume. Includes a companion CD.

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From After Effects to Flash: Poetry in Motion Graphics

Publisher friends of ED

Author(s) Tom Green

ISBN 1590597486

Release Date 11 December 2006

Books Description :

As a Flash 8 designer, you have discovered the power of the video tools in the application. The new filters and effects and ActionScript classes allow you to create a variety of stunning visual effects in Flash. What you probably haven't discovered is how easy it is empower your video hundreds of times more by combining the many effects and tools in After Effects 7 Professional with Flash!

This book, the first to explore the potential power and creativity boost that can be unleashed when After Effects and Flash are used together, is designed to get you up to speed with working in these two applications while hitting you with some creative innovation. You will discover how effectively you can use After Effects to create video and animation effects that were either extremely difficult or impossible to achieve in Flash.

By the end of this book, you will have created a variety of projects ranging from text effects, masks, and alpha channel video to 3D effects and audio visualization. All are designed to show you the potential available to you with these two powerhouse applications, and, more importantly, to expand the arsenal of creative motion graphics tools at your disposal.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Python Phrasebook (Developer's Library)

Publisher Sams
Author(s) Brad Dayley
ISBN 0672329107
Release Date 06 November 2006

Books Description :

Python Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects in Python.

Concise and Accessible

Easy to carry and easy to use—lets you ditch all those bulky books for one portable guide

Flexible and Functional

Packed with more than 100 customizable code snippets—so you can readily code functional Python in just about any situation

Customer Reviews :

Reviewer: Dennis Gilmore

Has great little snippets of code. is very clear in what is says and how to achieve your goals. While it seems to be intended at people with prior Python experience. I had previously only done python debugging. and that combined with perl, bash and C experience i was able to pick up the concepts and get functional quickly (I got done what i wanted to quickly). It is a handy little guide that I am sure I will use regularly.

Almost everything I wanted to accomplish I got done just by using this book.

two weak points.
1) could have covered number formatting in output
2) dealing with dates is not really covered

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Start-to-Finish Visual Basic 2005: Learn Visual Basic 2005 as You Design and Develop a Complete Application

Publisher Addison-Wesley
Author(s) Tim Patrick
ISBN 0321398009
Release Date 07 November 2006

Books Description :

Writing a book is a lot like writing a Visual Basic application. Well, except for the parts about finding a publisher and working with an editor. And then there's that pesky rule about correct spelling. Come to think of it, they're really quite different. But in one way, books and programs are similar: They are both written to meet the needs of the user. When writing software applications, the user's needs drive the organization and features of the final program. When writing a book, like the one you're looking at now, the needs of the user—that's you, the reader—drive the organization and features of the final text.

So it was with you in mind that I set out to write this book. Oh, there's the fame and the prestige, but it's really about you. You, the person who seeks to understand Visual Basic and the .NET Framework on which it is built. When I thought about you and your needs, I came up with these ideas:

  1. You might know how to program, but maybe not. In the programming world, there are four types of people: (1) those who already program joyfully; (2) those who don't program, but will learn it and love it; (3) those who don't program, but will learn it and struggle; and (4) those who should return this book immediately to the bookstore. If you are in one of the first three groups, this book is definitely for you. I believe that anyone who can break down a task into its basic step-by-step instructions can successfully program in Visual Basic. If you are unsure about your ability to quantify tasks in this way, you might want to start out with a book on basic programming concepts. One example is Dan Appleman's How Computer Programming Works (Apress, 2000).
  2. You might know how to program in Visual Basic or .NET, but maybe not. And that's OK, because this book will teach you. Most of the chapters introduce important topics in Visual Basic and .NET development, like object-oriented programming concepts, or using the different types of variables available to you, or interacting with a database. If you already know how to use Visual Basic 6 or earlier, that's great, but it's not a prerequisite.
  3. You want to write programs. Most programming books teach you to write code in ten-line increments. At least that's what's scattered throughout their pages. I've put some of those "code snippets" in this book. But I spend my days writing real programs, not ten-line sample programs. If you want to write whole programs, you should learn using whole programs. And so I also put a program in my book—a whole program. Over the next several hundred pages, I will develop a real program—a database for a small library—and you will write it with me.

I put all of these ideas into 25 easy-to-read chapters and had Addison-Wesley glue the pages together for your convenience. When you reach the index, you will have learned how to write complete programs in Visual Basic and .NET. It will be a programming adventure, so let's get started!

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PHP Solutions: Dynamic Web Design Made Easy (Solutions)

Publisher friends of ED
Author(s) David Powers
ISBN 1590597311
Release Date 20 November 2006

Books Description :

In this book you'll learn how to:
  • Create dynamic websites with design and usability in mind, as well as functionality
  • Understand how PHP scripts work, giving you confidence to adapt them to your own needs
  • Bring online forms to life, check required fields, and ensure user input is safe to process
  • Upload files and automatically create thumbnails from larger images
  • Manage website content with a searchable database

You want to make your websites more dynamic by adding a feedback form, creating a private area where members can upload images that are automatically resized, or perhaps storing all your content in a database. The problem is, you're not a programmer and the thought of writing code sends a chill up your spine. Or maybe you've dabbled a bit in PHP and MySQL, but you can't get past baby steps. If this describes you, then you've just found the right book.

PHP and the MySQL database are deservedly the most popular combination for creating dynamic websites. They're free, easy to use, and provided by many web hosting companies in their standard packages. Unfortunately, most PHP books either expect you to be an expert already or force you to go through endless exercises of little practical value. In contrast, this book gives you real value right away through a series of practical examples that you can incorporate directly into your sites, optimizing performance and adding functionality such as file uploading, email feedback forms, image galleries, content management systems, and much more. Each solution is created with not only functionality in mind, but also visual design.

But this book doesn't just provide a collection of ready-made scripts: each PHP Solution builds on what's gone before, teaching you the basics of PHP and database design quickly and painlessly. By the end of the book, you'll have the confidence to start writing your own scripts or&8212;if you prefer to leave that task to others--to adapt existing scripts to your own requirements.

Right from the start, you're shown how easy it is to protect your sites by adopting secure coding practices. The book has been written with an eye on forward and backward compatibility--recommending the latest PHP 5 techniques, but providing alternative solutions for servers still running PHP 4.3. All database examples demonstrate how to use the original MySQL extension, MySQL Improved, or the PHP Data Objects (PDO) introduced in PHP 5.1, letting you choose the most suitable option for your setup.

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Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 On Demand

Publisher Que
Author(s) Perspection Inc.
ISBN 0789736438
Release Date 08 December 2006

Books Description :

This book uses real-world examples to give you a context in which to use the task. This book also includes workshops to help you put together individual tasks into projects. The PowerPoint example files that you need for project tasks are available at

Perspection has written and produced books on a variety of computer software–including Microsoft Office 2003 and XP, Microsoft Windows XP, Apple Mac OS X Panther, Adobe Photoshop CS2, Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Director MX, and Macromedia Fireworks–and Web publishing. In 1991, after working for Apple Computer and Microsoft, Steve Johnson founded Perspection, Inc. Perspection is committed to providing information and training to help people use software more effectively. Perspection has written more than 80 computer books, and sold more than 5 million copies.

Includes MCAS Exam Objectives!

This courseware meets the objectives for the Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS). Upon completion of this courseware, you may be prepared to take the exam for MCAS qualification. To learn more about becoming a Microsoft Certified Application Specialist, visit

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Windows Vista(TM) Administrator's Pocket Consultant (Pro - Administrator's Pocket Consultant )

Publisher Microsoft Press
Author(s) William R. Stanek
ISBN 0735622965
Release Date 27 December 2006

Books Description :

Designed as a quick reference that administrators and support professionals can carry wherever they go, this pocket consultant focuses on the administrative tasks they perform most often. It covers essential topics for administering Windows Vista, including installation and updates; desktop configuration and management; hardware and device driver configuration; wired and wireless networking; mobility and remote access; desktop, laptop, and data security; Internet security; offline files; disk quotas; shadow copies; and system troubleshooting. Featuring easy-to-scan tables, step-by-step instructions, and handy lists, this book offers the streamlined, straightforward information you need to solve problems and get the job donewhether youre at your desk or in the field!

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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers

Publisher New Riders
Author(s) Scott Kelby
ISBN 0321492161
Release Date 12 January 2007

Books Description :

You've just purchased Adobe Lightroom, the brand-new, revolutionary workflow application. Now what? Pick up this book, written by best-selling author Scott Kelby to give you all the dirt you need to allow you to work faster, smarter, and more creatively. You'll learn the essential shortcuts you need to know to save hours every week, the best ways to import and organize your images, which tools and features to really hone in on to get the most out of this application, how to manage your photos like a pro, plus all the inside secrets on processing raw images. You'll also learn how to use Lightroom together with Photoshop to get the best, most efficient workflow, along with the best images. Finally, the book is loaded with tips, tricks, and insights that will absolutely transform the way you work with digital images!

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