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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Professional C# 2005

Product Details

Author : Christian Nagel, Bill Evjen, Jay Glynn, Morgan Skinner, Karli Watson, Allen Jones
Paperback: 1416 pages
Publisher: Wrox; 3Rev Ed edition (November 7, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0764575341
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.4 x 2.0 inches

Book Description :

Professional C# 2005 prepares you to program in C#, and it provides the necessary background information on how the .NET architecture works. It provides examples of applications that use a variety of related technologies, including database access, dynamic web pages, advanced graphics, and directory access. The only requirement is that you are familiar with at least one other high-level language used on Windows – either C++, VB, or J++.

It starts with a tutorial on C# and the .NET framework. This introduction assumes no prior knowledge of .NET, but it does move rapidly, on the assumption that the reader is an experienced programmer. Once this background knowledge is established, the book starts to sweep through the vast .NET class library, showing how you can use C# to solve various tasks. This comprehensive coverage is one of the key selling points of previous versions of the book, and is maintained and enhanced with this new edition by adding new chapters on Generics, ObjectSpaces, Yukon, and Indigo. Some reference material is included either as appendices or is available to download from the Wrox website.

After the introduction and initial chapter, the book is divided into a number of sections that cover both the C# language and its application in a variety of areas. Coverage includes:

• Writing Windows applications and Windows services

• Writing web pages and web services with ASP.NET

• Manipulating XML using C# 2005

• Understanding .NET Assemblies

• Using ADO.NET to access databases

• Integration with COM, COM+, and Active Directory

• Distributed applications with .NET Remoting

• Generating graphics using C# 2005

• Accessing files and the Registry, and controlling .NET security

From the Back Cover
Professional C# 2005

C# and .NET are set to revolutionize the way that you write programs. Updated for .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio® 2005, this bestselling book will give you the tools to program in C#, while also providing you with the necessary background in how the .NET architecture works.

You'll first explore the fundamentals of C#, including its basic syntax, data types, and object-oriented features. You'll then discover how to apply the language to a number of innovative applications that use related technologies, including database access and advanced graphics. This approach will help you gain a well-rounded understanding of C# so that you can begin programming like an expert right away.

This book covers everything you need to know in order to write dynamic Web pages, an XML Web service, a component of a distributed application, a classic Windows® desktop application, and much more.

What you will learn from this book
*The principles of programming in the .NET environment
*Ways to create Windows applications and Windows services
*How to use existing COM components with .NET applications
*Steps for writing dynamic Web pages and Web services with ASP.NET
*Techniques for manipulating XML using C# 2005
*How to access databases with ADO.NET and interact with directories
*Tips for writing cutting-edge components that will run on Web sites

Who this book is for

This book is for the experienced developer, although no previous knowledge of C# or .NET programming is assumed. It is also for programmers who know .NET 1.0 and are interested in getting up to speed with .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

Spotlight Reviews :

Reviewer: R. ANALYTICS (Tampa, FL)
PROS: I liked the book, and learned a lot from it. It is both a very broad and deep view of C# and .NET, covering more than most other books. It has good explanations of things like delegates, properties, indexers, and differences between C# and java, C++ and other languages. The section on ADO (SQL Database classes) is especially good, tho it goes pretty fast. This is a professional book, not for beginning programmers, but especially good if you know java or C++ already (I know both, so it helped even more).

Between this book and the Microsoft web site, I now have a firm understanding of the basics of C#, and a start in learning a good chunk of .NET. Much more to do on learning .NET, of course.

CONS: The problem with the book was a lack of quality control -- many more errors in the code snippets and some detailed explanations than there should have been -- all someone has to do is copy them into a program and try compiling them, and verify it at least compiles! Some were corrected in the downloadable code, but still a lot that weren't (I got tired of submitting errata reports). There were even some simple speling errors (sic) that a simple spell checker could have caught! Jeez guys, come on!

I was forced to go to the Microsoft web site and get accurate data on many occasions. Lost confidence in Wrox.

I got the impression that much of the data had started in one of the other C# books, got edited, and now there are holes, references to code and items that don't exist, etc. More a fault of the editors than the original authors.

Wrox -- put some pressure on your quality control people! These aren't romance novels, people like us actually read these things and USE THEM!!!

Reviewer: F. A. Umukoro (Ontario, Canada)
I bought this book to upgrade my .NET 1.1 skills to .NET 2.0. So my focus was more on the new features of .NET 2.0. While I do agree with most of fellow reviewers that the book covers most .NET 2.0 topics I am disappointed at its handling of generics in chapter 10.

In the code examples of chapter 10 generics are combined with anonymous delegates (see pages 281 and 283). This takes the focus away from the subject being discussed and does not promote professional software development practices which usually encourage simple and readable code. I would like to see this chapter re-written.


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